Friday, May 2, 2008

Cool Toad

I found a website giving away free email addresses and website space if any one is looking for a place to post some not so important sites for free. I know I set up my own cheesey Forex Education and Supplements page.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Teach Me Forex Calendar

Well I had an interesting night last night. Lots of Vodka and Crown Royal, with some Denny's to wash it down lol. Been working pretty hard doing lots of SEO research and such. I opted to use the rel="nofollow" attribute on the Teach Me Forex Calendar I built. I figured as nice as it was having a public calendar to show off our upcoming and past classes, it wasn't worth watering down the website with a lot of semi duplicate pages.

I am really amazed how many classes and hours the Teach Me Forex team has put in over the past month, the fact they are already planning to hold more sessions in May must make the students happy. I have seen a lot of these education sites pop up in the past, but most of them are all about making money rather then actually giving the people the skills they need. I know some of my past employment opportunities were all about making money instead of having happy customers.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Forex Education

Trying to recover from 4 days of drinking. I managed to get some updates done to Teach Me Forex today. I am excited working on this project as it gives me to the opportunity to progress my forex education level, so in the near future I expect I can start trading some real currency soon. I have been working in the forex industry now as a web developer for the past 3 years, just never really been inspired to properly get the education to trade forex properly until now.

I'll be sure to notify all of you when Teach Me Forex - Forex Education officially opens to the public.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Road To Recovery - Squats

So it's creeping up on 4 years being disabled now and as the years go by I am gaining more and more freedom in my life. I think most likely the smartest decision I ever made was to start training to eventually get back into powerlifting.

Because of the lack of stability in my legs I avoided squatting. I jumped into deadlifts instead and just trained my bench. About 4 months ago after a broken toe I had healed up finally decided to shoot for some squats.

I first squat work out was pretty solid. I had no idea what I was going to be able to do, might even not have been able to do them. But I lucked out and did two warm ups of 135lbs x 5 and 225lbs x 5 then I jumped into 315lbs x 5 for 3 sets.

Eventually a few weeks later I increased a set one of the top three sets to 365 x 5

For the past month or so my training of the squat looked like this:
135lbs x 8
225lbs x 5
315lbs x 5 (last rep 3-5 second pause)
365lbs x 5 (last few weeks I started going last rep 3-5 second pause)
315lbs x 8 (last few weeks I started going last rep 3-5 second pause)

Now truthfully these weights aren't massive but I have so many things working against me.

A) I am disabled
B) I am weighing about 345lbs - 355lbs right now so you know I am squatting extra weight on my body
C) I am not using any lifting gear not even a belt or knee wraps (just some chalk for grip)
D) Unlike the average person I am going rock bottom hence why I can pause at the bottom no problem. Every rep I sit down basically and rocket up.

Well this week I was feeling adventurous and felt the big 4 plate squat coming on. I knew my legs were feeling strong today was the day.

I managed to do:
135lbs x 8
225lbs x 5
315lbs x 5 (last rep 3-5 second pause)
365lbs x 5 (last rep 3-5 second pause)
385lbs x 3 was easy to do and wanted to save energy for the next set
405lbs x 3 just as easy as the last set but didn't want to over do it
315lbs x 8 (last rep 3-5 second pause)

After it was all said and done I realized my idea of being cautious and holding back because of my legs was rather silly. 4 plates a side felt quite good to me and I know next week I am gonna put my effort into 405 for a set of 5.

It's rather funny how unstable I am in every day life due to my legs but get me in the gym or the ring and I am a monster on fire.

I would like to thank SVN Fuel and SVN Canada - Supplements, Vitamins, Nutrition Canada for sponsoring me on my road to recovery.